Who Am I ?

Hello !

I'm a 19 year old full time student at Austin Community College pursuing a degree in Social Work and a minor in Sociology.

I do not have any political background due to my young age, and I actually don't understand half of the issues that are going on in our country today! But that is where the government class comes in. I hope to develop a better understanding of the issues at hand today. I plan on even learning even more information about how our government is ran today, and how it came about this way.

I hope you all enjoy this semester as well !


Thursday, October 18, 2012

College and the EXPENSES!

I read an Article published on Fox News website titled Average student loan debt up again for new college grads. The author intended to catch college students, college graduates, those thinking about attending college, and the parents of these listed. The author explains the expresses how expensive college is, and how much debt graduates have after graduating. The numbers are increasing every graduation year. Not only are the debts levels high, but in some states even the percentage of college graduates are high.  However, the percentage of college grads having a job is higher than those who have a high school diploma. Though college is becoming more expensive as the years go by it is essential that you attend. It is really the only way you get a good paying job.  The author states “President Barack Obama has touted his record of ending $60 billion in subsidies to private lenders, directing the savings to student aid and implementing an income-based repayment plan that caps federal student loan payments at 15 percent of income and forgives repayment after 25 years.” This plan put in place by President Obama to help families that cannot afford college. It helps to aid on top of the financial aid that is lessening each year as well. I agree a hundred percent with the author on the views of college and the expenses. Making it easier for students, like myself, that come from low income families is a plus. The different aspects getting loans from the government or even private lenders have so many hidden interest costs and fees that we do not actually aware of. These new policies and programs being put into place will help clear all the confusion we have about college and the expenses. 

New Lies in the GOVERNMENT!

Thursday, October 18, 2012 Alex Pareene posted an Article on Salon website titled New Lie: the government spends more on welfare thananything else. He argues that the government “lies” by saying that majority of the money spent is on welfare which is not TRUE. He states, “In all, the U.S. government, including federal and state governments, spends in excess of $1 trillion on welfare. “If you really think about it , that’s not even half of the debt we’re in . He goes about breaking down exactly what the government now claims “welfare” consists of. Like TANF( Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) , Medicaid, CHIP , Pell Grants, public works spending, child tax credit, foster home assistance, and etc. When you keep listing all the programs that are now counted as welfare you see why so much money is spent. Welfare is no longer just in TANF and Medicaid; it is a very broad category. Medicaid and CHIP alone are expensive programs that have helped many poor families. Pareene states, “The federal government spends $16.5 billion a year on TANF and, combined, the states spend another $10 billion.” So in reality the spending is not nearly all on TANF! I definitely agree that government spending is not entirely on welfare anymore. It is defense, war spending, and Medicaid. This misunderstanding or as Pareene says LIE, needs to be told in a TRUTHFUL way! 

Alabama Appeal Denied

October 18, 2012 CNN posted an article titled Appeals court denies Alabama's request for new hearing on immigration law. The people of the state, mainly the ones that are immigrants, were upset at the ruling. It was said to be an important and wrong issue by some an Alabama defendant.  Many blocked parts of the Alabama law included language that actually made it a crime for illegal immigrants to work. Renting property, or hiding an alien or etc! This article was important in a sense that immigrants are being limited in Alabama. How can they start or seek a new life if their way of making a living is illegal. If they are going to be able to come to America they should be able to have fair treatment just as a born citizen.